➡️ Vector#


Vectors are fundamental and incredibly powerful tools to manage motions, forces and… well… do physics!

../_images/vector-light.png ../_images/vector-dark.png

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“With vectors, physics has found a magnificent language.”

—Richard Feynman

🔧 Functions#

You can find below all functions available in this module.

Basis rotation 3D#


Get the equivalent of the vector passed in parameter in a base with a different rotation. Useful to convert absolute/relative positions into local positions.


Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\) in the starting base.

Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.[0,1] bs.in: Horizontal angle \(=\phi\) (along \(=\hat{y}\)) and vertical angle \(=\theta\) (along \(=\hat{\phi}\)) rotation (in degree) from the starting base.

Macro Var scaling [number]: Scalar for the function’s input and output.


Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector coordinates \(=(X',Y',Z')\) in the target base.

Basis system

This system uses the Minecraft coordinate system. Thus:

  • \(\hat{y}\) is the vertical axis.

  • \(\phi=0\) (starting point of the horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(\theta=0\) (starting point of the vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

A block is in ~2 ~5 ~10 from me, I want to have this position in local coordinate (^? ^? ^?):

# One time

# Relative coordinates (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.0 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.1 bs.in 5000
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.2 bs.in 10000

# Difference between my rotation (= that of the coondata grid ^X ^Y ^Z) and the rotation of the Minecraft blocks grid (~X ~Y ~Z)
function #bs.position:get_rot {scale:1000}
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in = @s bs.rot.h
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in = @s bs.rot.v

# Perform the basic rotation
function #bs.vector:basis_rot_3d {scaling:1000}

# See the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.0", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.1", "objective": "bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

I want to have a vector pointing to where I’m looking, but in relative coordinates ~X ~Y ~Z (also called “classical” vector in this library):

# Once

# Retrieve a vector ^ ^ ^1 corresponding to a vector directed according to the orientation of the entity (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.0 bs.in 0
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.1 bs.in 0
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.2 bs.in 1000

# Get the orientation
function #bs.position:get_rot {scale:1000}
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in = @s bs.rot.h
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in = @s bs.rot.v

# Reversal of the orientation since we want to have the relative orientation of the game grid compared to the orientation of the player (unlike the previous example)
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in *= -1 bs.const
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in *= -1 bs.const

# Perform the basic rotation
function #bs.vector:basis_rot_3d {scaling:1000}

# See the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.0", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.1", "objective": "bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof

Cartesian to spherical#


Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.


Scores $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector representing the cartesian coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\).

Macro Var scaling [number]: Scalar for the function’s input and output.


Scores $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector representing the spherical coordinates \(=(H,V,R)\).

Spherical coordinates

This system returns non conventional shperical coordinates.

  • \(H\) (horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(V\) (vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

  • \(R\) is the radial distance.

Credits: Aksiome

Cross product#


Compute the vector product between \(u\) and \(v\).


Scores $vector.cross_product.u.[0,1,2] bs.in: First vector components.

Scores $vector.cross_product.v.[0,1,2] bs.in: Second vector components.

Macro Var scaling [number]: Scalar for the function’s input and output.


Scores $vector.cross_product.[0,1,2] bs.out: Result of the operation \(=u \times v\).

Credits: Aksiome, Majoras16

Dot product#


Compute the scalar product between \(u\) and \(v\).


Scores $vector.dot_product.u.[0,1,2] bs.in: First vector components.

Scores $vector.dot_product.v.[0,1,2] bs.in: Second vector components.

Macro Var scaling [number]: Scalar for the function’s input and output.


Scores $vector.dot_product.[0,1,2] bs.out: Result of the operation \(=u · v\).

Credits: Aksiome, Majoras16



Compute the norm of the vector.


Scores $vector.length.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.length bs.out: Vector length.

Compute the length of a vector:

scoreboard players set $vector.length.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.length.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.length.2 bs.in 3000

function #bs.vector:length

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Vector length: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.length","objective":"bs.out"}}]

Performance tip

If you want to minimize the performance impact, we recomande you to use the length_squared function instead of this one when it’s possible. In fact, computing the length of a vector require to perform square root operation which is not a simple task for a computer, especially in Minecraft.

length_squared can often be used in the following cases:

  • You want to compare the length with a given one, then compute manually the square of the given value and compare it with the result of length_squared, which is faster than computing the real length.

  • You want to compare a vector length with another one, then you can compare the result of length_squared instead of computing the real length of both vectors.


Compute the squared norm of the vector.


Scores $vector.length_squared.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.length_squared bs.out: Vector length squared.

Compute the squared length of a vector:

scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.2 bs.in 3000

function #bs.vector:length_squared

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Vector length squared: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.length_squared","objective":"bs.out"}}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof



Get the max component of a vector.


Scores $vector.max.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.max bs.out: Component with the value furthest from 0.

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof



Get the min component of a vector.


Scores $vector.min.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.min bs.out: Component with the value closest to 0.

Credits: Aksiome



Normalize the vector by putting the length at the given scale while keeping proportions.


Scores $vector.normalize.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.

Macro Var scale [number]: Scalar for the function’s output.


Scores $vector.normalize.[0,1,2] bs.out: Normalized vector components.

Performance tip

Normalization of vector doesn’t often need to be accurate, so you can try first to use the fast_normalize function instead of this one. It is less accurate, but it avoid some operations and is faster.


Normalize the vector by placing the largest component at the given scale while keeping proportions.


Scores $vector.fast_normalize.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.

Macro Var scale [number]: Scalar for the function’s output.


Scores $vector.fast_normalize.[0,1,2] bs.out: Normalized vector components.

Score $vector.fast_normalize.factor bs.out: Normalization factor \(=A\) (\(=V_i = A \times V_n\)).

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof

Spherical to cartesian#


Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.


Scores $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector representing the spherical coordinates \(=(H,V,R)\).

Macro Var scaling [number]: Scalar for the function’s input and output.


Scores $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector representing the cartesian coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\).

Spherical coordinates

This system uses non conventional shperical coordinates.

  • \(H\) (horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(V\) (vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

  • \(R\) is the radial distance.

Credits: Aksiome

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